For innovation to flourish, organizations must create an environment that fosters creativity; bringing together multi-talented groups of people who work in close collaboration together — exchanging knowledge, ideas and shaping the direction of the future.” —Linda Naiman


Now that you found yourself reading the third part article, I want to assume you want the best out of 2018 and receive the new year with high possibilities by making your standing desk productive. You can always excel if you want to and following the guidelines provided in this three part article is simple as buying your favorite shoes. The only difference is, you are investing for something that will last  and make an amazing change in your life.


In the previous articles (insert the links: feng shui) you were given pointers on how to invite prosperity in your workplace by using or applying feng shui office design. And one of the suggestions is to assign your standing desk directly opposite the entrance of the door. You can do more than the position of your standing desk. You can actually be more specific with your standing desk that will invite prosperity in your personality, career, and your productive output.


How to pump Energy to your Standing Desk?


There is one major reason why Steve Jobs and March Zuckerberg wear the same dress code everyday. The science of being simple – the simplicity will give you sufficient reason to follow their path in smart wears.  How do you extend that to your office space? You don’t need massive renovation to make it look like the collaborative offices of the future (yeah the one Google did) Take your office design to a new level simply by adding a standing desk plus a little drop of add-ons and increase your energy (yeah – energizer gets on going, and going, and going) to last the day. What are those tips (as suggested by Feng Shui experts)?


Fresh (yes – NOT plastic, glass, or paper mache) flowers are your best bet in adding life and green to your place. It is placed on the Eastern location of your standing desk, just the right size so you won’t end up stretching your neck just to see the other side. Since it is fresh, make sure you regularly change it – everything (water and flowers).


Aside from putting indoor plants (check this low maintenance plant list) in the corners of your room to counter the effects of pointed arrow, also place succulent plants on the Southeast part of your standing desk. This will attract additional earnings like a luck for career advancement and potential opportunities for your personal development.


It is always best to work in an environment conducive to positive collaboration among workers. Invite a harmonious relationship with your colleagues by placing crystals in the Southwest part of your standing desk. Look for a citrine stone from special shops or online. This will act as magnet for fortune and success and help you work with enthusiasm to excel in your job, makes you productive and your colleagues are grateful to work with you.


Use a LED desk lamp and placed it in the Southern part of your desk. This form of energy will help create a good name for you in the company. You will serve as an inspiration to your colleagues and your business community.


A  Feng Shui article suggested the following “must haves” to make your standing desk outstanding. Size does matter so make your standing desk appropriate – to be clear proportional for your workspace. Customize if it’s a need. Do NOT be like Goldilocks who keeps on changing and looking for the right fit – in bed. Why? For convenience and easy access to your things. Maximize your workspace without sacrificing your productive office design and your health.


Some desk has cover underneath and it is called modesty panel. It keeps your legs out of sight (and sometimes not your feet). This provides greater security and establishes boundaries if you want to exercise authority and show leadership.  This is for you if your presence is commonly asking of by your colleagues. But others prefer an open space to make clients or visitors feel welcome.


Always remember how power can be attained by proper position. Make sure that your standing desk is in an area that allows you to see the view of your room like doing a survey with one direction of your eyes checking the area in a glance. Be a positive reinforce by deciding to only put objects such as wall decors that can empower you to excel.


Tip No. 3


Create harmony by setting your home office as an extension of your workplace in the area of your standing desk and your working area. Always clean as you go, clear your standing desk  from unnecessary document and go paperless instead. Avoid any blank walls, instead put a wall decor that inspires you to be the best, a quotation from a person of influence, or a nature that brings serenity and freshness.